Selasa, 13 Mei 2014

Vietnam will Receive 4 Su-30MK2 in the Second Half of 2014

VPAF Su-30MK2 (photo : kienthuc)

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), in the execution of export contracts in the second half of 2014 will put Vietnam four Su-30MK2 fighters, and India - six MiG-29K/KUB. In the delivery schedule for this year also means the transfer of the first batch of Su-30K fighters for Angola. However, aircraft requiring major repairs and upgrades, so first delivery shifted to 2015.

Graph export aircraft deliveries for 2014 provides for the supply of ten aircraft to Vietnam and India, told "Kommersant" a source close to Russian arms exporters of arms "Rosoboronexport". "For two Su-30MK2 production Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Company for the Air Force in Vietnam to be transferred in November and December - says the source "B." - In the interests of the Indian Navy will be delivered six MiG-29K/KUB production MiG corporation: by one in August and September, two - in October and November. "Thus, according to him, in the case of Vietnam, Russia will begin to fulfill obligations under previous contracts, and in the case of India - will continue its execution. Officially, the "Rosoboronexport" declined to comment.

Last Vietnamese aviation contract for 12 Su-30MK2 units totaling about $ 600 million was signed in August last year. He was the third: previous contracts for eight and twelve fighters were Komsomol now successfully implemented. In 2015, according to "Kommersant", the Vietnamese Air Force expect to receive the remaining eight Su-30MK2.


Supply six MiG-29K/KUB will be under contract from March 2010 to 29 aircraft. In 2013, according to CEO Sergei Korotkov MiG corporation customer sent seven fighters of this type. Recall that the previous aviation contract for delivery of 16 military vehicles between India and Russia was signed in 2004, as part of a batch of Russian-Indian intergovernmental agreement for the modernization of the aircraft carrier Vikramaditya. His deliveries began in 2009 and were completed in late 2011.


According to "Kommersant" in the delivery schedule for this year were also initially included the Su-30K for the Air Force of Angola: three aircraft planned to be transferred in September and November, but in view of the need for repair and modernization had time to shift, and the first batch will be at the customer in 2015. Recall that the contract for old Indian Air Force Su-30K was signed during the visit of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin to Angola in October 2013.

First official confirmation of the existence of such an agreement was made ​​by the General Director of "Rosoboronexport" Anatoly Isaykina in an interview with "B" (see No. 27 January). Subsequently, President Corporation "Irkut" Oleg Demchenko said that Angola will deliver 12 modernized Su-30K, and the remaining six fighters who are now in the territory of the first 558 aircraft repair plant in Belarus Baranovichi, will be offered to another country. Earlier, as reported by the "B", the possibility of acquiring these aircraft were treated Belarus and Vietnam, however, admitted Mr. Isaykin, played a key role the lack of funding, "Even after the repair and modernization of their price is not every country forces." Recall that Angola they got within Russia issued a loan of $ 1 billion.


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