Pembahasan Pertahanan dan keamanan Negara Kesatuan Republik INDONESIA dan Dunia
Senin, 23 Desember 2013
Indonesia interested in Russian submarines
Jakarta☆The Ministry of Defenceof Indonesiawill senda special delegationto Russia toexplorethe possibility of buyingseveralsubmarinesin Russia, saidtheDefense Ministerof the Asian country, PurnomoYusgiantoro. At first itmaybe purchasedsubmarinesalready in useby theRussian Navy, butaftertrying themiftheywill be satisfiedwill begiven theopportunity tocapturea new generationof submarines.
Thesommergilibiinwhich Indonesiawould beaffected, should be thoseofclass"Kilo" (the nameadoptedby NATOfor certain types ofRussian submarines)
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