Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Vietnam in Talks Over Camcopter S-100 Purchase

Vietnam People's Navy is in talks to buy the Camcopter S-100 UAV (photo : unmannedsystemsaustralia)

Schiebel is in talks with the Vietnam People's Navy (VPN) to supply its Camcopter S-100 rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle, company officials confirmed at the Singapore Airshow.

Andrew Byrne, regional sales director for Asia-Pacific at the Austrian firm, told IHS Jane's that the company had briefed Vietnam about the S-100 and was planning to hold a multinational demonstration of the system's capabilities in the region later in 2014.

"Every southeast Asian country is informed" of the S-100, Byrne said, adding that as well as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam had shown interest in the platform. Australia and New Zealand were also examining the system, with the latter's navy taking part in a demonstration for New Zealand power company Transpower in September 2013.


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